• 论文
  • Title

    Analysis of measured mining subsidence parameters in Northern Shanxi Mining Area

  • 作者


  • Author

    SHEN Tao,ZHU Zhanrong

  • 单位


  • Organization
    Shani Institute of Geological Surney ,Xi'an , China; Xi' an University of Science and Technology,Xi' an , China; No. 185 Exploration Team , Shaanxi Bureau of Coal Geological Exploration , Yulin , China
  • 摘要


  • Abstract
    In order to further study thesurface deformation and the distribution of parameters caused by mining and to provide theoretical and technical support for environmental restoration in Northern Shaanxi mining area, this paper adopted the method of surface movement observation. By establishing typical surface movement observation stations in the coal mine of Y ushuwan for data collection and analysis ,the surface movement patterns in the thickaeolian sandloess layer and the medium hard bedrock layer were observed. With a comprehensive analysis, the relationship between the prediction parameters obtained by probability integral method and the aeolian sand loess layer as well as the bedrock layer was described.The results show that: the subsidence coefficient ranges from 0.50 to 0.65, and it is not affected significantly by the ratio of aeolian sand loess thickness and bedrock thickness ; the cofficient mainly influences theangle tangent and is directly proportional to the ratio of aeolian sand loess thickness and bedrock thickness; the range of inflection point ofset is 0.07~ 0.40,which is consistent with the bedrock hardness in this area.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mining subsidence ; surface subsidence parameters ;Northern Shaanxi mining area ; environmental restoration

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
  • 图表

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