• 论文
  • Title

    Study on Local Outburst Prevention Technology and Application in Driving Face

  • 作者


  • 单位


  • 摘要
  • Abstract
    A dynamic phenomena was occurred during a seam opening of the cross-cut in No.4331 coal mining face of Jinneng Coal Industry Branch. The ventilatio n gateway of No.4331 coal mining face was in a non-protected regional of the upper protected seam.In order to prevent coal and gas outburst occurred in the driving pr ocess of the ventilation gateway of No.4331 coal mining face, in combination with the regional gas prevention and control theory and the low permeability features of th e seam, during the driving process of the air returning gateway, a continuous flow method was applied to predict an outburst danger occurred in the front of the seam.A nd also the advance gas drainage boreholes, well-distributed pre-drainage drilling site and other outburst prevention measures were applied to prevent and control the coal and gas outburst occurred in the coal mining face .After these measures conducted, an effect inspection and regional verification should be conducted until no outb urst danger occurred.The results showed that after the technology applied to the driving face of the ventilation gateway of No.4331 coal mining face, the gas volume fra ction in the air returning flow was 0.12% during the gateway driving period.The outburst danger was eliminated and the coal and gas outburst accident could be effectiv ely avoided.
  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    coal and gas outburst;continued flow method;outburst prevention method;prediction of outburst danger;


主办单位:煤炭科学研究总院有限公司 中国煤炭学会学术期刊工作委员会

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