• 论文
  • Title

    Design and implementation of quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for mine ecological environment

  • 作者


  • Author

    LIU Juqing;LI Jun;WANG Xingjuan;ZHANG Chengye;DU Menghao;RAN Wenyan;WANG Jinyang;HU Jingyu

  • 单位


  • Organization
    College of Geoscience and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing
  • 摘要


  • Abstract

    Mine ecological environment monitoring and governance is a critical requirement for national ecological civilization construction and the dual carbon goal. The informatization and intelligent construction of the mine ecological environment have become an important part of Digital China driven by the new generation of information technology, and it is also an inevitable trend in the development of the current era. However, existing mine ecological environment monitoring systems are still in the primary stage with a single theme, incomplete elements, basic measurement, and local management, and they cannot meet the demand for multi-element, long-term, high-frequency monitoring and analysis of the mine ecological environment. To address this problem, the quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for the mine ecological environment under B/S architecture is proposed, called Mine Ecology Remote Eyes. The development requirements, technical framework, key technologies, and core functions of the system are further described in detail. The system utilizes satellite remote sensing technology and other monitoring methods to obtain and aggregate mine ecological big data from different sources, forming a map of mine distribution and data resource services. Using quantitative remote sensing to invert ecological parameters of mine environments, a set of long-term and multi-element monitoring products can be generated. These products cover various ecological elements such as human activities, natural geographical conditions, and "vegetation-soil-water-atmosphere" parameters. The system provides a range of tools for GIS spatial and temporal analysis, statistical analysis, and comprehensive quantitative evaluation. With these tools, users can monitor spatial changes in ecological parameters such as land use and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in mining areas along with mining activities, as well as query and visualize historical statistical values of ecological elements such as soil water content and suspended solids concentration in water under different spatiotemporal locations or regions. Additionally, the system enables comprehensive quantitative evaluation of the quality of the mine ecological environment taking into account multiple ecological elements. Finally, the system generates a monitoring report on ecological disturbance and governance of the mine. The application of Mine Ecology Remote Eyes will facilitate the change monitoring, data management, intelligent analysis, and decision-making applications of the mine ecological environment. This system has the potential to improve the efficiency and intelligence level of monitoring and governance of the mine ecological environment, and provides a reference for promoting the informatization of ecological civilization.

  • 关键词


  • KeyWords

    mine ecological environment;governance;change monitoring;ecological big data;quantitative remote sensing;intelligent analysis;WebGIS

  • 基金项目(Foundation)
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(42271480);中央高校基本科研业务费资助项目(2022JCCXDC04, 2023ZKPYDC10)
  • DOI
  • 引用格式
    刘举庆,李 军,王兴娟,等. 矿山生态环境定量遥感监测与智能分析系统设计与实现[J]. 煤炭科学技术,2024,52(4):346−358.
  • Citation
    LIU Juqing,LI Jun,WANG Xingjuan,et al. Design and implementation of quantitative remote sensing monitoring and intelligent analysis system for mine ecological environment[J]. Coal Science and Technology,2024,52(4):346−358.
  • 图表


    数据类型 数据 数据描述 数据格式
    遥感专题数据 光学卫星遥感 Landsat 卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率 30 m 栅格
    MODIS 卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率250/500/1000 m
    Sentinel−2 卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率 10 m
    GF−1/2/6 卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率0.5 m
    微波卫星遥感 Sentinel−1 卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率5 m×20 m
    AMSR−E卫星遥感影像 空间分辨率 25 km
    AMSR−2 卫星遥感影像
    无人机遥感 高光谱遥感影像 空间分辨率0.01~0.1 m
    其他监测数据 人类活动 煤炭生产/城镇活动/电厂分布/电量生产/放牧强度 时间分辨率:逐年 矢量/栅格
    社会经济 人口统计/经济统计 时间分辨率:逐年 栅格
    地面测量 土地利用调查/植被类型调查/生态要素实地采样/地物光谱测量 时间分辨率:逐年 矢量/栅格/图表


    矿山生态参数遥感反演产品 生态因子 数据来源
    人类活动 土地利用/城镇活动/采矿活动 Landsat、 Sentinel
    发电活动/放牧活动 统计数据
    自然地理条件 气温/地表气压/地表温度/相对湿度/比湿/总可降水量/DEM/坡度/坡向 Landsat、MODIS、Sentinel
    植被参数 叶绿素/冠层叶绿素/干物质/叶片等效水厚度/NDVI/植被覆盖度/叶面积指数/NPP Landsat、实地采样数据
    土壤参数 土壤含水量/土壤养分含量有机质/氮/磷/钾 Landsat、MODIS
    水体参数 叶绿素a浓度/悬浮物质浓度/总磷/总氮/藻蓝素浓度 Landsat、MODIS、Sentinel、
    大气参数 气溶胶光学厚度/PM2.5/PM10 MODIS、GF
    蒸发量/风速/大气水汽密度 ERA5大气再分析数据集

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